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Now you can read and write random Pennsylvania ghostly tales, see and share PA paranormal pictures, discover and give directions to haunted places in PA.

Enjoy reading ghostly tales visitors have wrote about, see pictures and interesting haunted places in Pennsylvania people just like you are now sharing with the world.

photo of ghostly orb taken near statue in Gettysburg, PA Do you know a secret haunted Pennsylvania place? Maybe you have a ghostly tale you'd like to share. Pictures are always welcome, especially if you have a tale to go with it. There are so many haunted places through the state of Pennsylvania. More than could possibly visit, research and write about. So that's why I'm offering you the opportunity to share your Pennsylvania Ghostly Tales, pictures and places in PA that is either a legend for it's haunted attraction or you have visited yourself.

It didn't take long for Haunted PA to become one of the most popular sections of this website. Through its popularity I started receiving email from visitors to the haunted attractions and telling me about other places and legends in Pennsylvania that should be mentioned.

Do you have a Pennsylvania Ghostly Tale to tell? Just go to the link below and start writing, everybody is waiting to read your ghostly little secrets.

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A Few Pennsylvania Ghostly Tales from Visitors

After reading The Legend of the White Lady of Whopsy Mountain a lady wrote to me to tell me about another legend called The Lady in White. Here is a copy of her email:

Hi, I am native to PA. I lived most of my childhood in Vintondale. I wanted to let you know that they too have their own version of the Lady In White. She "haunts" the road from Vintondale to Twin Rocks. I really don't know state routes-sorry. She appears in cars with woman. You don't even choose to pick her up. She just appears. You do not feel frightened. She smiles with sympathy at you. Many local men are frightened of her. She has been known to, in many ways, scare that crap out of them. The men all seem to be not so nice individuals. Rage issues, drinking, as the old timers would say good for nothings. It seems the woman are being given a sort of omen by her presence. Most do seem to befall some bad happening through a man at a later date (but really not that uncommon...given the very nature of men and women. Vintondale is a very creepy place. Lots of haunted tales and sightings at the old Furnace. If you are interested I can share more. I just wanted to be sure that the Third Lady In White gets her nod too.

A lady by the name of Stephanie read about the Central Pennsylvania Haunted Houses I lived in over the years, she wrote to me to tell me about a haunted house she just moved into. Here's a copy of her email.

Hi I just moved here from New York. I live in Altoona and I think that the house next door to me is haunted. I'd hear sounds coming from the house even though no one lives there. The neighbors told me that the owner's mother passed away some years ago and he never sold the old house. He uses it for storage and for when he goes hunting in the winter. Also I think the house that I live in now might be haunted, the man who lived here before committed suicide here, that's what a neighbor told me. I do here sounds coming from the basement at night. Do you know of any particular houses that are haunted here in Altoona.? I have always been interested in ghosts, I think that some people who pass away and did not leave in a peaceful way still remain between this world and heaven.

Thanks, love your website !! Stefanie

Kim wrote to me excited to join a ghost hunters group after reading about the Ghost Hunt at the Altoona Railroaders Museum.

I'd like to join a local group of ghost hunters. Are there any in Altoona? I've had past experiences in my life and was told when I was younger that I can pick up energy that others can't. In some ways I'm honored to be able to "feel" what others don't but at times I'm scared of it, lol , Kim

So you see, people just like you that love reading about the many haunted places in Pennsylvania have already written to me. You don't have to be a professional writer or a certified ghost hunter, just contribute a Pennsylvania ghostly tale, legend, picture or haunted place and you'll suddenly enjoy seeing something you wrote, along with your name and location (if you agree to have your name included) printed on the Internet. Feel free to tell your family and friends to come and see what you've written and hopefully join in the fun.

Just go to the form below and start writing!

Don't forget to subscribe to my newsletter, "Things to Do in Pennsylvania"! You'll receive the first issue this spring and it will be loaded with reminders of area events and special announcements.

Do You Know a Pennsylvania Ghost Tale?

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Read Ghostly Pennsylvania Tales
Written and Submitted by Visitors

Click below to read Stories and Legends of Haunted Pennsylvania Attractions. All stories were written and submitted by visitors to Pennsylvania Mountains of Attractions.

Ghost Walks/Haunts-WASTE OF TIME 
I'm 69 now & Happily retired, born & raised in Pa & take pictures of our state markers & all the Welcome Too town signs I've been in, well over 600 in …

We almost bought a house back in 2004 ion Fallowfield Road in Atglen . I think it had been a blacksmiths home. It was really cool, built in the 1800’s. …

The Haunted Mansion in the Woods 
Hello all, I would like to tell you about the Hegarty Mansion in Beccaria, Pa. I have worked and stayed there overnight. When I first met the person that …

Still haunting her namesake building  
Bryn Mawr College in southeastern Pennsylvania has several academic buildings dating from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. One that stands out is …

Old School house 
Was at a site where an old School house had burned down in the very early 1900's; not far from my home; I live in Somerset County Pa... I decided to find …

Lancaster County Amish ghost 
One summer night when I was about 10 yrs old, me and two of my buddies were riding our bikes when we suddenly realized it was almost dark and we were supposed …

Brittanys Story of WopsyGhost 
My girlfriend, Brittany, swears to me she's seen " something". So much so she won't let me drive the wopsy route home. She swears to me it was a white …

Not Haunted 
I live the closest to this monument and walk my kids there all the time and have for years and have gone there at night many times and hunt near there …

The Watcher Possibly 
I was dabbling at the age of twenty-five in divination. Runes the tarot, speak stones and the pendulum. One night I was drawn to lean over my bed my eyes …

Broken Lines . . . 
My great-grandmother was born in Oil City, PA on March 23, 1871. I never met her, but my grandfather, her son, told me this - Minnie was born to Sarah …

My Altoona Railroaders Museum Ghost 
I took this picture in july of 2011 when i was going to work and i always walked beside the Altoona Railroaders Museum and walked over the 12th street …

Premonition Dream and a bright light and other unexplained Phenomenon before a death. 
I am not sure if this is a haunting or even goes on this page but through the years I occasionally will dream stuff that actually happens later. In …

Jasper My Ghostly Twin  
I myself have coined the phrase she's like the Titanic before I knew other folks have said it, mainly because in the mid 1990's about 1996 she was a different …

Gettysburg Battlefield Ghosts 
Several years ago a few friends and I went to Gettysburg for the weekend. We went to Spanglers Spring to do some exploring and ghost hunting. When …

Scary Experience of The Lost Children 
On august 2,2013 about 3:30 in the am I went to the monument with a bunch of friends we turned the car off and started to yell there names all of a sudden …

Salsa's Mexican Grille Ghost 
As a worker there at the Salsa Mexican Grille I often experienced the mystery ghost. I saw his shadow cross the wall while no one was there yet. I used …

The Tavern 
When I was in High School I worked in our towns local restaurant called The Tavern on the Green in New Wilmington PA. My friend and I were closing up, …

Young Girl in Red Dress at Camp Hill, PA Movie Theatr 
After seeing a comedy movie at the Camp Hill Digiplex, I decided to go to the ladies room. Upon exiting the stahl, the last person in the ladies room …

Pittsburgh Ghost Hosts 1950's - 1970's 
As a kid I watched our local TV Ghost host. Do you remember any of these? Sir Rodger Shock Theater WTAE TV 4 in Pittsburgh, Pa. Igor 13 Th Hour KDKA …

Sugar Run Bigfoot 
This story I believe to be 100% truthful as told to me numerous times by my parents. In 1967 when my parents were dating they were traveling from Gallitzin …

Burning of Old School House.. 
I have heard a story of an old school house that burned down in the late 1870's-to late 1880's and it was situated on a road currently called> Old Herschberger …

Ghost or Spiritual Spirit? 
I take pictures for our local paper in Pittsburgh, Pa.of the events that go on in our community. This Memorial day (May 31 2010) I took them like every …

Blue Hole Spirit 
Well it was back in the early 2000's when a man was beaten and hung out at the blue hole on the side closest to the Ganister bridge on the left hand side. …

Dead Man in the Car 
When my dad was a kid. He found a arm sticking out of the window. He went to look and he realized it was a dead man. The guy drank a lot of beer . He …

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I am living in Las Vegas now, so when I come home for a visit we like to play tourist. My family and I went to a Halloween story telling in the Bakers …

The Farmhouse part II 
Latley there has been more strange activity going on, about two weeks ago, I got out of the shower, and my shower curtain popped as it sometimes does when …

Ghost in The GIft Shop at Horseshoe Curve National Historic Landmark 
I was visiting in Altoona, PA with friends and we visited the Horsehoe Curve National Historic Landmark and on the way out, we stopped in the Gift Shop …

NO Ghost on Wopsey Mt. 
I was born in Buckhorn in 1938 and my father was born there too in 1918.and my Grand father Ben Luke moved there before this girl was killed. She was supposedly …

The Farmhouse 
Well, it's been a long time since I've wrote in to you guys but it's 16 year old writer (originally started as 12. So here we go, I've told many stories …

Altoona Hauntings 
Hi, my name is Paige. I live in Altoona, PA. I live two blocks away from Pleasent Valley Bowling Alley. My mom has worked there for fourteen years, but …

Ghostly Women in Window Scared Me to Death... 
There is an old hotel here in south east PA. This place has been abandoned for years. I don't know the name of the place, but I do know that it was a fire …

Burnside (Lady In White) 
You can see the lady in white while traveling up or down Burnside mountain. She stands next to road with her finger pointing near Shamokin. She has been …

The Shadow Followed by the Eyes & Voices 
It was a summer day a month or two after we had moved, still on the same street. I was getting dressed to go and pick up my sister Emily's friend who was …

Two People Can See the Same Thing, Right? 
I was at least 6-9 at the time. Me my sister and her friend. We were ghost hunting in our parents room. Throughout the time we heard scratching on the …

The Women in White 
I was heading down wopsy mountion (at the end of the mountain) when I spotted a lady in white crossing the road. It was foggy, I hit my brakes but I did …

The Little Boy  
My name is Lisa, and I have owned the home that I live in now for about 7 years. After moving in, my daughter told me that a little boy had appeared in …

Ghost of Old Lady  
I heard a story on Party line, kdka, pgh, PA when I was a kid. I was visiting Clearfield county with my grandfather who was from Clearfield, PA. We …

Is my House Haunted? 
Okay so I live in Altoona PA and I've lived in this house for all 13 years of my life (except for when I'm at my mothers home.) Anyway, so I've heard some …

My Haunted House in Altoona, PA 
So my house is definitely haunted. We moved here in October 2008. My sisters bf seen a man walking the halls upstairs, coloring books turn pages …

Ghostly Toilets Flushing 
I used to live in a house in dunmore where someone had died. well anyways it was a double and no one lived next door. At night the toilet next door would …

Baker Mansion  
My dad is an electrition and he was working in the attic at Baker Mansion and his partner went to get some supplies from the store. My dad had a light …

White Lady of Wopsy 
The legend begins in the early to mid 1800s. A couple was scheduled to get married. On the day of the wedding the bride sat and awaited her groom to be. …

Haunted Little Apartment in Lancaster, PA 
OK, so I moved into this apartment about two years ago. First year was great, never felt any weird feelings in the apartment except for when I was alone. …

The Dead Bridesmaid 
I live in Jefferson county, pa. This same story was told to me twice and I do not know the name of the small cemetery. It is on a back road. A beautiful …

The Little Ghost Boy in Berwick 
Hey, My name is Kristina I'm 13 years old and have been born and raised in Berwick. Well, on 11th st. there is a little church yard with a bunch of trees …

Two Happy Ghosts. 
Well it happened today 22nd of May 2011. It was a day like any normal day. I was watching TV, it was in the early evening, my male friend that I live …

The Most Hauned Place I've Ever Been 
Well I was working as a bartender at the local pub and I have heard that this place was haunted, and I always felt like somebody was there. One time …

Nan & Pop still keeping an eye on "their" house? 
My tale is actually sort of funny now, but it wasn't when things started happening. Now they're mainly annoying. Nothing big, just little things to let …

The Laughing Ghost 
My Dad & And Mom one night were downstaris early in the mornin cause they heard stuff like talking and banging they went down asked questions then finally …

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Townhouse in Tyrone 
So generally I wouldn't write about something like this, but after some newfound information I felt the need to share. Before I moved to my new place …

Living with a Spirit 
I live Altoona and have lived in my home for 30 plus years and have unusual experiences. We built the house that's why I can't figure out who or what …

Abandoned House near the Berwick Triangle 
Went inside the house with my brothers mid day to explore the house, we all were equipped with powerful lanterns and survival flash lights, anyways i filmed …

An Old Graveyard in the Woods Where the Altoona Mirror is 
Folks, this is more of a question than it is a story really. But there is a graveyard and what we kids used to call the "Witches House" involved. Growing …

Haunted Blair County 
The best piece of evidence we have gotten was along the tracks in Tipton,PA. My husbands father owns ground right along the tracks and decided they would …

Atglen Rental 
My husband and I moved into an old country house in Atglen, PA. I had the same nightmare every day during the day. I would fall asleep and someone would …

Ghost lights 
There was a burnt down house and only three of it's lights were on and it had white curtains on only the tree windows that were lighted. But the scary …

The Little Boy 
I was laying in my grandmas chair at around 7:30ish I was laying in the chair when I felt something breathing on me!!!!! Then it said my name! Then I felt …

The Boy in the Wall  
I went and visted the royer mansion and Patty Wilson told a story about a little boy. It was about how a little boy and his father and his mother was …

Jenny Wade House 
My family and I went to Gettysburg over the summer and my dad and I wanted to go on a ghost tour so we went to the Jenny Wade house and the Soldier's Museum. …

A Haunted House 
One day, a couple of friends and myself decided to venture into this one house, it was white and also abandoned, and near the footfield in Bellevue, PA. …

Investigative group needs some help - Pittsburgh 
Hi. I read Patty's website regularly and on occasion, post to it. The reason I am posting now is to ask for some help for our paranormal investigative …

Poor trapped souls 
It was a few summers ago and it ws my birthday. My mom said for my birthday she said she would take me out to a cemetary that was believed to be haunted. …

Ghost Hunting 
i really dont have a story but my name is jonathan casale i live in williamsport pa i have my own ghost hunting group for over 4yrs now and as a group …

Bakers Mansion, a truly Haunted House 
When I was a little girl around the age of eight me and my dad would go for walks and we would always walk up the hill and past Bakers Mansion. One night …

Pennhurst + Eastern State 
Finally i got to go to Eastern State Penn and Pennhurst, i went for the haunted house attraction at Pennhurst and it was very good. Also at Eastern State …

My haunted job at Royer Mansion 
Well it all started when I graduated from colledge and I was looking for a job to have until I found a job in the area as a teacher. I had found a job …

The Worst Field Trip in the World - U.S. Hotel 
When I was in 6th grade my class took a field trip to The U.S Hotel, in Hollidaysburg, PA. When we finally got there a close friend and I planned to step …

The Swing. 
I've lived in the same house, same town, in the same state, my whole life. As a Child, My Mother always took me and my siblings to a neighborhood friend …

Haldeman Mansion and Locust Grove 
The land the historic mansion was built on was occupied for hundreds of years by Indians. There have been several sightings of Indian spirits over the …

Haunted Cliff Street, New Castle, PA 
I no longer live in Pennsylvania. I now live in Arizona. As a child I was always seeing things and hearing things and was shrugged off by adults as fibs …

The Haunted House on Broad Ave. Altoona, PA  
I was about 8 years old my mom just moved in to a new appartment and while me and my cousin were unpaking we took a break and watched a movie. I was sitting …

514 cedar st. 
My name is Willmarie Morales and I am 23 years old. I was born in Puerto Rico. I used to move a lot from here to Puerto Rico. I decided to come back …

The Haunted Blacksmith Barn 
I am a member of Ghost Research Foundation who are going to be taking people on a tour of Old Bedford Village this weekend and next weekend. On one …

Look for Her on Janesville Pike 
On Janesville pike, I dont know how long ago it was, but Silvia and her husband had just gotten married and the car wrecked. She was decapitated and her …

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Old Mine 40 Coal Mine, Windber PA 
My name is Michael Irons from the Windber Paranormal Investigation Team. Just recently we have done an investigation of the old mine 40 coal tipple. This …

The Man in the Dark 
One night I was awoken by a very odd noise. This had never happened to me ever before because I don't live in an old house or live near an old house. …

The Ghostly Mother and Child...BOO! 
I live in Altoona, I live next to this big old house. Nobody lives in it. It is definitely haunted! One night, I heard a sharp cry, followed by a blood …

A Voice from Beyond 
In one apartment in Greensburg I recorded a creepy voice. It was bedtime for my kids. I decided to sleep in the living room with them in our sleeping …

The Living Doll 
When I was little I had a cabbage patch doll. I always put it in the left side of my room in the corner when I was done playing with it. I dont know …

A Doorway to the Other Side 
One night when me and my sister went to bed, I had an experience I'll never forget. We went up to our room to go to sleep. Because we were really tired, …

Gator in Shawnee Lake? 
Recently there has been alot of talk about some kids letting an alligator lose is Lake Shawnee because it got too big, there have been police and park …

The Lost Children Of The Alleghenies Monument 
This location i knew nothing about till i has about 16, I found it out from my friends on Williamsburg,pa and investigated the story myself online. This …

I was on my computer one day looking at haunted places I decded to explore this place. I could not find it for 4 days. It is very hidden, I had seen …

My Grandfathers Ghost  
One day my uncle mike was cleaning my grandfathers guns and knew one was in my grandmals house we were all at a family reunion except my two uncles. …

Creepy Old Farmhouse 
Huntingdon County I was camping at an old farmhouse that used to belong to the grandparents of a friend of mine. Juniata College had long since bought …

A Ghostly Army Vetran.  
I lived in an older house, a duplex in a little western PA city, of Sharon, PA. I lived there, with, my then, 3 year old son . I had a neighbor, who lived …

The Gettysburg Ghost 
One time I was in Gettysburg about one and less than a half years ago. I was staying at a Inn (not listing) and it used to be a hospital during the Civil …

The White Ghost Continued 
Since I've last wrote about my sightings of my "white ghost" it seems my experiences have gotten worse. I hadn't noticed anything in awhile, but yesterday …

Would you like to Join a Paranormal Group or have a Paranormal Problem? 
Watchful Eye Paranormal Study of Pittsburgh (WEPS) is looking for new members. We prefer people in and around Allegheny County. You must have some experience, …

Would you be Interested in Joining a Paranormal Group or have a Paranormal Problem? 
Watchful Eye Paranormal Study of Pittsburgh (WEPS) is looking for new members. We prefer people in and around Allegheny County. You must have some experience, …

Hill View Manor - New Castle, Pa. 
During the mid 80's into the 90's I worked in a county run nursing home. My position was Director of Social Services and Activities Coordinator. As soon …

Join My Paranornal Investigationg Group!!! Altoona,Pa 
My name is Katie Howard and I wrote in here a story about the Grey Spector in Williamsburg, PA. My fiance and I are in the process of putting together …

Plank Road, Everett, PA 
Hi there, my name is David and I want to tell you this story I heard from a friend of mine. Ok the story goes like this a woman was driving on that road …

Wopsy Mountain White Lady 
Coming home from Altoona one rainy night my family and I saw a shadow figure in that area. It was in the middle of the road and I even slowed down thinking …

Pennhurst State School and Hospital for the feelble-minded and the epileptic was built in 1903 and opened in 1908 and abandoned in 1987 which is …

Pa Paranormal Research Team 
Hello my name is Kimberly Chimokosky and I represent Pa Paranormal Research Team and we are a non-profit group who raises money for local charity's as …

The Twin Tunnels in Dowingtown, PA 
My husband and I years ago went through the tunnels. It was very cold and damp, if I remember correctly, it had just rained the day before. We knew very …

Haunted Ma and Pa Railroad? 
I am new to Delta, PA. My husband grew up here and says when he was younger and stayed at a friends house in the trails they would hear a train. Well …

The White Ghost 
About a week ago I was brushing my teeth at the sink, as I put my tooth brush into the holder I turned to see what I thought to be a person turn and walk …

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Downingtown, PA Haunted House 
My family and I moved into a house big enough for all of us. We moved in with no problems. As time went by we started to notice that little things, you …

The Ghost on the Tracks 
I lived in Ohio all my life and we would go to Brownfield, PA to visit my pap n grandma [my moms mom and dad. Every chance we got anytime school was out …

Feelings in Jim Thorpe  
I'll be honest, I don't believe in ghost or psychic stuff but after my unforgettable 2007 trip to Jim Thorpe, I started to. The town has a lot of history, …

Last night at 11:23 I woke up to the sound of three distinct taps, and my dad came over ot my room and said some of us are trying to sleep stop tapping. …

Japenese Soilder Re-Captured at Springs. 
My mom's work involves doing something at the courthouse, (I don't really know) and a young man took a picture on his cell phone of his friend standing …

5th Grade Camp 
It's been while since then but I'd forgotten about it until recently, because it didn't happen to me. I was eleven at the time and my 5th grade school …

Alicia-A mother that Left Too Soon 
My fiance owns a house in Overlook Village,PA. His wife passed away in the home 2 years before we met in Oct. 2006. Her death has different theories..accidental …

Cemetery in South Jersey 1980 with Jeannie 
I was dating a girl who moved to Willingboro, NJ when I was about 17. Had known her for about 5 years. One night I drove from Hamilton Square down to …

The Haunted Shelter 
My mom directs the Gettysburg Homeless shelter,and has told me many times about a little girl that roams around rubbing a mans cheek while he is sleeping, …

Friendsville, Pa. Ghost Sightings. 
Hey, I've lived in Friendsville, Pennsylvania for my entire life. I'm eighteen years old now. My entire family has Native American in their blood, Blackfoot …

Mississippi Ghost  
Well I realize this didn't happen in PA; it happened in my visit to Mississippi. I was in fourth grade(now I'm in 7th), and my grandpa and I were visiting …

What Goes Bump In The Night? 
On Nov. 13th (which was a Friday by the way) My husband and I where driving down Bear Run Rd. at just about dusk. All of the sudden something slammed into …

A Ghostly Kiss 
While traveling in Gettysburg I stopped to have my picture taken with a re-enactor. I complained about a cold chill that was only effecting my one side. …

Crispy on the Edges at Ship Hotel 
I personally do not believe this story but i found it interesting so I'll tell you. This story goes that a young couple coming through Bedford were …

Paranormal Activity in October 
Lately, around my house, I've been seeing strange things including shadow figures, objects out of the corner of my eye, and hearing strange noises that …

Ghost's of Culp's Hill, Gettysburg PA 
On July 30, 2009 a good friend of mine suggested we go ghost hunting in Gettysburg, PA. I had wanted to make this trip for over a year. We both decided …

Fire in the Sky 
This was in the 1970s....I was about 10yrs and me and my grandmother both saw a fire ball, REALLY CLOSE and LARGE fly past us the night of my uncle-her …

If You Want Us To Help - Paranormal Investigations 
We are called 02/02. We investigate paranormal activities. We are non profit and want to help you out with answering “Is my house haunted”. Here is the …

Haunted Experiences I've Had 
Well my best friend, Haley, and I were having a sleepover at my house and my little sister and her friend were having one too, so we decided to sleep in …

True Ghosts 
It was in august of 1959, the leaves were turning red and yellow, it was a beautiful day outside, sky was blue, and the air was hot and sticky. Our old …

The Tales of Manns Choice are (for the most part) True 
As a former resident of the town of Manns Choice,I grew up in my grandparents house built in the 1860's (used to be the Mullen Tavern). I can attest to …

Jean Bonnett Inn  
The Jean Bonnett Inn was a court house many many years ago and 6 people did something bad(I don't know what) but they hung them on the porch. And when …

Library in Easton, PA 
There is a library in my hometown, of Easton, PA, that is haunted by ghosts. The Easton Area Public Library (main branch) is said to have been built on …

Angry relatives or? 
In 1993, my former partner and I moved into an apartment that was owned by his family. It had been the place where his grandmother had grown up. There …

Tale of the Haunted Tracks! 
I remember growing up I was always told this story of a car accident on a set of railroad tracks not far from where I grew up. It starts out about …

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More pictures 
Above is the first picture I took of our house

Living with Spirits for Nine Years 
I grew up in a very haunted house on South Mount Vernon Avenue for nine years. There was not a night that went by that we did not hear one of the spirits …

Peddler House 
As a child growing up in Central PA, we were told of this house that was haunted by the ghost of a peddler. As the years have passed I do not remember …

The Terified Child 
Around age 4 I awoke to a black figure with red eyes. I screamed and ran to my moms room and swore to never go in my bedroom again. I was also pushed …

Pennsylvania Haunted History 
I belong to the group Ghost Research Foundation and we investigate haunted places in Pennsylvania, Maryland,etc.. We recently visited The Cambria Jail …

Paranormal Investigators Looking for Places  
Hello everyone, My name is Doug Hockenberry Jr and I am the vice president of CUMBERLAND PERRY PARANORMAL. We are seeking places of interest to investigate. …

Lancaster area haunting 
When my children were young, I lived with my first husband in the Lancaster area. We moved into the home he grew up in. His father rented to us. …

Our Night at The Triangle in Gettysburg, Pa 
We go to Gettysburg about twice a year and have had quit a bit of luck with strange encounters. We took 2 friends with us this time. My husband and …

Rocks Were Thrown At Us! 
My friend and I were sitting on a trailer with his dog watching the bats fly by. We pretty much talked until it got dark and you really couldn't see 10 …

Horseshore Curve 
The Horseshoe Curve is haunted by a girl who was killed when she was in a car accident in the tunnel as she was driving through. A car hit her head on. …

Ghost Voice 
Here is a story about a voice from the other side. It wasn't an evp, I heard it with my naked ear. I don't know what that categorizes it as. We, my …

Nice Old House, Nice Old Ghost 
Many years ago 1994 I lived in a small city in Northwestern PA, Sharon, Mercer County. I was moving into an old house built in the 1900s. I was with …

Gettysburg Devils den area 
Myself, and 2 of my daughters were visiting Gettysberg in the summer of 2005. We parked by the creek at devils den and walked up the path around and through …

Haunted Family Homestead House in Gallitzin 
Well, I can't believe I stumbled upon this website of yours! My sister and I were born in Altoona, and although we moved away when we were 10 and 6, our …

The Heisy Museam 
The Heisey Museum has been in Lock Haven for a long time. It has many legends but the one I'm gonna tell you is the scariest. My class went on a field …

My Granddaughters Friend 
It was my Granddaughters first birthday. I was taking pictures as she was opening her gifts(or at least trying to). She suddenly stopped as if someone …

Route 44 Jersey Shore 
Along Route 44 approaching Jersey Shore from the east, there is a very steep mountain. My daughter and I were out for a drive to Cherry Springs one beautiful, …

My story starts with my two old black dogs. Smokey and Bandit run the mountains with me daily. They know the woods and loved to hike with me. Bandit …

Unwelcome Visitors 
I live in Altoona and lived in a haunted house for about two years. It was not a great experience from the first day to the last. When we were signing …

White Lady of the Wopsie 
This isn't a story but more a question. Has anybody ever heard the tale of the White Lady of the Wopsie? I don't know if I am spelling that correctly or …

Ghostly Haunts at Laurel Wood Care Center 
I used to work at this nursing home in the Westmont part of Johnstown. When I would work 11-7 there would always be strange things going on. Most of … 
At 6'3 295 lbs not many things raise the hair on the back of my neck (except may be the wife! j.k.) I consider myself a very down to earth kinda guy. Anyway, …

Horshoe curve 
One time, I was in Pennsylvania for the weekend, and my grandmother and my father were driving me to the mall to go Christmas shopping. We had to go past …

Baker Mansion Experience 
My wife is really into the ghost stories and haunting stuff. Myself, I don’t really get into the stuff, or like to watch the ghost story shows. Tonight, …

Little Boy Ghost 
Sorry, this is a long one I am a social worker by trade. I earned my BSW in 1979 and worked many years as a social worker. A couple of my jobs were …

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Cemetery visits. 
I live in the south hills of Pittsburgh. I belong to The Center for Paranormal Study and Investigation - CPSI( I also …

Bedford Village 
Messing around with my camera again in Bedford Village, in Bedford PA. It was the night of their murder mystery in 2007. It was really fun and very festive! …

"Harry Halloween" 
Things around here have gotten a little more interesting, as they do come Halloween season. A couple of weeks ago I was looking online to see if I could …

The Buckhorn 
I just wanted to say cool site and that stuff about the lady in white on the Buckhorn and Wopsy may be true? We saw something about 12yrs ago, but …

Vintondale Pennsylvania Nightmare 

How could I forget? 
I could probably sit here and write all day about things that have happened to me. This is one that I will never forget and hope never to experience again! …

Uncle Harry strikes again! 
I am not blaming this on Uncle Harry because my husband and I built our house ourselves, therefore, he could not have come with the house. We never had …

Uncle Harry 
We moved into an old farmhouse in September of 1973. I was only 3&1/2 at the time but can remember some pretty crazy stuff. I remember being deathly …

Lady in the Black Dress 
Before my aunt moved out of Bedford to Helixville when her kids still lived with her she lived in a white house close to the Bedford library. My cousin,her …

420 south street 
If you are reading this and your address is 420 south street Jim Thorpe, PA, you might have a ghost. My Great Grand Mother gave me some old postcards …

The Old Lumber Yard 
Moving is always a pain especially when you are little...I was 6 at the time and my brother 4 when my parents had found a house in town Huntingdon.....A …



Pictures of our visit to Bakers Mansion 
This is the photo that was taken in the child's room on the 3rd floor. It is by the toddler bed and if you look to the right of the bed you can see a fog …

Pictures of our visit to Bakers Mansion 
This picture is a little questionable to me. You can clearly see the hand coming out from the wedding gown and it is more then likely just a reflection. …

Pictures of our visit to Bakers Mansion 
This picture was taken in the refrigeration room under the basement in the house. It is the room that my 2 year old refused to get any closer then a few …

Pictures of our visit to Bakers Mansion 
These are photos that were taken on our recent trip to the mansion. This was taken in the basement school room. You can clearly see two orbs on the first …

Family Hauntings 
I feel at times a place itself may not be haunted but sometimes people are. My sister being one of them. Every house she's ever lived in including …

My family and I went to visit Baker Museum over the Fourth of July Holiday this year. We had read about the museum and were very excited about the possiblity …

6/3/08 Hello, I was at my friends house yesterday. We were playing hide-and-go seek, her dog had died 3 weeks ago of breast cancer. And I saw a dog …

Gettysburgh PA GHOST Gathering  
My cousin and I took a picture outside of Gettysburg PA on Emmittsburgh road. We saw nothing when we took the photo, but when we developed the photo there …

Bigfoot Lives 
This is more of a creature sighting than a ghost story but they fall into the same catagory right? Anyway back when my mom and dad first got married they …

Indian Rampage 
I live across the road from an Indian burial ground and battlefield, my mom and dad told me stories about the arrowheads and clay pieces they would find, …

Hi Patricia, my friend and I have started our own investigations team called p.i.t. paranormal investigations team. Oh, and by the way, sorry I can't …

Cabin Fever 
I heard this story last week, A couple was visiting Bedford on their honeymoon and needed a place to stay, all of the major hotels and motels were booked …

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By the way Patricia, Patty Wilson was our tour guide that night. I don't know if she does it all the time-12 year old writer

Haunted Tavern 
One night my family and I took the ghost tour we take every year of Bedford. The night was filled with ghost stories and strange sightings, until we came …

S.P.L.A.T. Investigations 
Hi, My name is Walter Hutsky and I'm part of a paranormal research group based out of Johnstown, PA called The Southwestern Pennsylvania League of Apparition …

Face in the Window 
There was one night that was clear and the weather was just right. My best friend Sarah, her dad and her sister came to walk with me to her house to spend …


Carlos Furminger 
It was tragic news to hear or my grandfathers death, I was eleven and my little brother Kael was only eight. What was even worse was the manner in …

State Twin Theatre 
Years ago, While attending Penn State, I worked as a Janator at the State Twin Theatre. Which has recently been remodeled. I was told before I started …

The Overlook Canadenists PA 
Hello, I am writing this because I would like to know if anyone has ever had an experience at the Pocono bed and breakfast called "The Overlook"? …

The Hauntings 
This haunting is very horrorfying. It happened in my house! Sorry but, I'm not putting my address because there are creeps out there. But I will tell you …

Jim Thorpe Jail  
I had just moved to Jim Thorpe, so my aunt and I went to the "old jail" on Broadway in Jim Thorpe. We were in the dungeons and I thought I heard someone …

Prankster Ghost in my house 
Every now and then in my house, things disappear mysteriously, or fall into places that they couldn't be retrieved from. But months after it's lost, it's …

Eastern State Pen. 
Hi 12 year old writer with a bone chilling tale about eastern state penitentiary. In the early 1900s eastern state opened with good hearted intentions …

Haunting At Juniata Commons 
12 year old writer here with a story, one night I went to check out an after school program for photography and how to develop pictures in a dark room. …

I've Lost My Head  
Me again 12 year old writer with another story. I heard this one on a ghost tour in Bedford. One night the train was stopped because the railcar had been …

Russell House Haunting 
Sup, 12 year old writer here with the results on our ghost hunt at the Russell House in Bedford PA. It was my first investigation so here we go. First …

William's Footsteps 
Our family was on a short vacation to Gettysburg about 2 years ago and on the seconed night it had called for clear skies and warm weather. We had decided …

The Man in the Red Coat 
Our family was going to the Jean Bonnet Tavern in Bedford. We were going out with some friends to have a nice evening to talk and eat. I was 3 years …

Living in a Haunted House for 14 Years 
I live in Shamokin, PA, in an apartment now, but I used to live a couple of blocks away from where I do now. My mother owns the house and is renting it …

Ghosts in My House! 
mm .. My house is haunted, I hear sounds of walking all night long, we just built it too. It's the land that is haunted. My shower door opens around …

Railroaders Museum Hauntings 
One time I was visiting the Railroader's Museum to get more information about the ghost hunt that was coming up, and I heard big band music playing very …

The 'Lady' That Crawls on the Wall 
Although, I hate to talk about 'her', I will tonight. In the spring of 2006 my husband, our 2 young children and I moved into a duplex almost on the corner …

Route 6's Haunted House 
Almost 2 years ago I moved from the house I had lived in for almost 20 years. We always had weird things happening while we lived there. The house is on …

The tales of Rupert. 
Hi, im Nicole. I live in a house in the busy city of Altoona. I just moved into my house about 6 years ago with my parents and older brother. My friend …

Barn Haunting in Woodbury, PA 
I moved to Woodbury 20 years ago when I bought a 200 year old stone house with the intention of restoring it. I'm told that an ironmaster had the house …

Wopsy Mountain Mystery 
I have lived on and traveled through the Wopsy Mountain for 49 years and my grandparents long before that. My grandparents told me about the original tale …

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Horseshoe Curve Ghost 
Okay I don't know exactly what anyone is talking about, but what I seen at the Horseshoe Curve was nothing that I wanna see ever again in my life. No …

Witches Triangle: Berwick 
My friends and I have been intrigued by the story of the Witches Triangle near Berwick for some time. Feb. 17th 2010 we finally went into the house that …

The Cruster  
When I , my sister Kathy & my brother Walt. were teens, we had an encounter with what we called a "Cruster Man,, We don't know how we got the name …

Bedford Springs Resort and Davey Lewis's Cave 
The newly remodeled Bedford Springs Resort is a beautiful place with only the best to offer people. If you're staying in Bedford, The Springs should be …

Williamsburg,PA-Ridge Road Haunt- "The Grey Spector"  
There's a road of the beaten path in Williamsburg,PA that is really haunted. I'm not too sure of the back history anymore, its been a long time since I …

shadow persons 
My first encounter with a shadow person happened on March 12, 2008. It was evening, the house was quiet, and I was relaxing on the couch in the living …

Mudlick Hollow 
My friends and I decided to do a night of paranormal investigating, our evening began at Gretchens Lock in Ohio after being there we went on to Mudlick …

ORBs in the Picture 
We went ghost hunting and found some.

Haunted Greensburg, Pennsylvania 
We have alot of old buildings here in Greensburg, Pennsylvania. I would say most of them are haunted. In the old churches at night I can see the lights …

I'm being followed 
I wanted to write in and share my story with others. I was born and raised in Baltimore Maryland, and moved to Central PA when I was 11. Ever since I was …

trip to Wopsy Mountain 
I like to go look for ghosts sometimes, I have no cool equipment, but my digital camera can pick things up. Anyways, I Was driving around looking for old …

Crums Cemetery, out skirts of Windber, PA 
Crums Cemetery is haunted. The story of Crums is Rebecca Crum and her family were considered witches. This was back when if you were considered a witch, …

Bad Omens: I escaped with my life away from a house I lived in from 2003-2006. In 2002, my family and I purchased a 42 acre burned out farm in Avonmore, …

Alice in Civil War Land in Gettysburg Orphanage 
During the Civil War many men died leaving wives to take care of the children. Usually wives could not support a family so the children became orphans. …

Gettysburg Orphanage with Rosa Carmichael 
While we were on a ghost tour in Gettysburg called "Ghostly Images Walking Tours" we went inside the basement of the orphanage that Rosa Carmichael …

The Triangle 
I heard from a friend about this Triangle of trees near a golf course in Berwick, PA and how it was so haunted. Well, the story is that there was witchcraft …

Coal Field Ghost 
The location of my story is in the woods behind Wanamie, PA which is an old coal mining town. The woods are endless. I ride my dirt bike through the woods …

Creepy campground in Mercer 
My friend and I was walking along the road off of Rt. 19 south where Junction 1980 campground sits. She would stay there as a child and I would visit. …

Washington Bakery 
12 year old writer with a story from Bedford PA ghost tours. Patty Wilson, a pretty well known lady in the ghost hunter's world, was our tour guide that …

Hi, I'm the 12 year old writer again and this happened to me also, in Gettysburg. It was a day visit, my mom and I enjoy walking the battlefields every …

Gates of Hell 
I am an avid amateur ghost hunter from the Uniontown Area. While researching haunted places in my area, I found a link to a site that told about "The Gates …

Pittsburgh's Newest Paranormal Team 
I'm the co-founder of the Oakmont Paranormal Society, and we're an up and coming group, with our third investigation getting ready to start soon. We've …

The Man in the Woods. 
As a child, my mom would let me and a friend ride out bikes to an old public pool. We did this almost every day in the summer. One day I invited a friend …

126 Juniata Street, Freemansburg Pa. 
Anyone know if this place is haunted? I have a friend who owend the house in the mid 90's , lived there for 2 years before she could sell it and get out …

Our Haunted Home in Port Matilda 
First, some quick history: Our home was built in 1900. We bought it in 2005 and the previous family living there said it was haunted. There was a rumor …

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Berwick Area Middle School 
Hey, my name is Kaitlyn May Lockard, and I'm here to tell you a story about my school. My school is haunted, during the day the doors slam, and so …

Haunted Apartment in PA 
My family and I moved to Lewisberry, Pa. in 1995 from Florida. We moved in with our grandmother who was living in a small apartment on grandview circle. …

Haunted Cemetary 
Hi my name's Alexis , I live in Olyphant ,PA. My friend kyle had been walking in the Olyphant cemetery at night as a shortcut to come home , as he walked …

The White lady  
On Buckhorn Road my friend witnessed the White Lady. The story goes like this, It was her wedding day but her husband didn't want to marry her because …

Meixell Valley Road 
One night I was on my way home from a friends house and I always take Princess Valley to Meixell Valley and live off Wier Lake.. On the corner of Princess …

The Haunting of St. Mary's Catholic School in Reading, PA 
Well I used to go to this school, but it closed when I was in 2nd grade, but there was bathrooms on the top floor, on the ground floor, and in the basement. …

Monuments Have A Night Life Too 
Hi Ya, 12 year old writer here with a story I just heard from an old woman in Bedford PA. This story goes like this, at night when almost nobody is around …

Ghost dog in graveyard 
When I was about thirteen and with some friends on a street adjacent to a local cemetery one evening we encountered something that I remember to this day. …

the south did lose the civil war... 
On the same night we went on a Jenny Wade ghost tour in Gettysburg the girl in the hotel room beside us started screaming and yelling that people in gray …

Grandpa's Crow 
12 year old writer here again with a story about my grandma and grandpa. When my grandpa was still living and after my grandma had divorsed him, my grandpa …

is our house haunted? 
I live at 267 Riverview Drive,in Pa. We moved into this house with my father. Ever since we have lived here we have had a lot of orbs. Also we have …

I was in my pajamas when I heard a knock on my door. That wasn't unusual except that it was 2:00 AM. I answered my door only to see that no body was there. …

Royer Mansion 
Royer Mansion is less touted than Baker Mansion, probably because it's in Williamsburg, which is kind of a drive from Altoona, like 45 minutes or so. On …

Ghost Picture 
Posting pictures of 'ghost' on another person's web is difficult. Posting sound files is unavailable on this web also. If you would like to see pictures …

Little Round Top 
Our family was at Gettysburg when we visited Little round top at night. We were walking up the path when my Mother said she got hit in the head with strong …

Gettysburg's Ghost and Ghouls 
My family just got home from a trip to Gettysburg PA. We stayed for 3 nights and left on the fourth day. On one of our many visits to the battlefield …

Whitelady's House 
Circa 1986, on Richland Road only a few miles from the Wopsy lookout, there was an abandoned house known to us kids as the Whitelady's house. The yard …

12 year old writer with one of my last encounters, well really my parent's encounter. Before I was born, my parents were buying our 1800s home that went …

I'm not totally sure what it's called, but there's supposed to be a triangle area (like the Bermuda Triangle) at Gettysburg. When you go there weird things …

Death Avenue 
Hi, ounce again it is the 12 year old writer and I have a story about my Aunt Kathie. One night after attending a close friends funeral, my Aunt Kathie …

My Poor Little Dog 
I am just nice little old lady with only a small little hound dog to keep me company. Well, my little dog always sleeps in my bed with me and one night …

Still haunting her namesake building  Not rated yet
Bryn Mawr College in southeastern Pennsylvania has several academic buildings dating from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. One that stands out is …

Haunted orphanage Not rated yet
As we were sitting in the basement of the orphanage during the tour kept seeing flashing blue lights thought maybe from everyone taking picture was just …

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