My Haunted House in Altoona, PA

by Cassi
(Altoona, PA, USA)

So my house is definitely haunted. We moved here in October 2008.

My sisters bf seen a man walking the halls upstairs, coloring books turn pages by itself we seen through a video monitor a little girl crawling in bed with our daughter. Then we got another camera because our landlord likes to come in when were not home. Well, we left and came home and looked at the tape, there was a little boy sitting under the table along with orbs floating everywhere. Then as I was walking down the steps I seen a little boy who I first thought was my son, because I only seen the top of his head, so I said go look to see if your dads home yet. He didnt answer so I kept coming down the steps only to see the boy disappear when he got to the kitchen and my son was already outside waiting for his dad to come home.

I found a girl who lived here right before me I just asked her if anything weird happened while she was here and she pretty much told our story without even knowing what happened to us! Thats when we knew we werent crazy and it wasn't our imagination.

We did do some research on the house so far we know of 4 people that died here one in 1880 one in 1938 another in 1954 and the last in 1998.

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original poster
by: Cassi Richardson

Well it's been a few years since we moved not because of the ghosts but because of the landlord. The address is 1907 5th ave 16602

My Haunted House in Altoona,
by: Anonymous

Living in such haunted house needs so much courage and braveness. I was really touched through your story.

by: anthony

Was wondering cassi do you still have activity at your place

by: Best Haunted House in usa

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Contact us
by: S.O.R.T

We would like to do an investigation in your home if you would let us we are a very honest and friendly team and would love to hear from you 814 935-7674

by: cassi

I actually do have a picture its on my facebook though if u could tell me how to post it on here i'll post it. its of the front of my house and u can see a mans face in the attic window then in the 2nd floor window theres a lady wearing a dress.

Ghostly Video Tapes
by: Patricia

Hi Cassi,

I'm surprised that you're still living in that house. I know Altoona is full of houses that are haunted, I've lived in a couple. That's amazing what you've caught on video, maybe some of the paranormal investigators visiting my website would like to see these videos, or do an investigation of their own at your house.

Plus, I really think that sucks that your landlord comes into your home when you're not there. Isn't there something that you can legally do to stop this?

Thank you so much for sharing your ghostly tale with us, If you ever get any photo's of these ghosts please share them with us.


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