Is my House Haunted?
by Olivia
(Altoona PA)
Okay so I live in Altoona PA and I've lived in this house for all 13 years of my life (except for when I'm at my mothers home.) Anyway, so I've heard some strange things from my attic. When I was little around the age of five or six maybe I got in trouble and was sent to my room for the night. When I got up stairs I stopped at the bathroom, and when I was doing my business I heard a very loud thud come from my attic I got very scared and ran downstairs to my mother.
I also remember when I was younger, standing in my mud room, in my footy pajamas, starring at the corner and listening to a male voice call my name. If I'm not mistaken, there was a Female voice too. This happened on several occasions.
The reason I am out asking now is because last night I was in my room about to go to sleep, when I heard a familiar thud coming from my upstairs attic. I have not had any other encounters besides that from when I was little.
My ten year old brother has also had some encounters but I am not sure if he is telling the truth or not. My brother has beads hanging from the post of his bed supporting his school colors. He said that one night that they shook as if a strong breeze had blown them. But his window was closed and he does not have an air conditioner in his room. He also claims that when he was little, my uncle had come over for a visit and he had asked for tap water. My brother had went inside to get him some. He said he heard something say his name. When he looked up he saw a tall man looking down at him. Then the man vanished into thin air. Then, very afraid, he ran out of the house screaming that a man was in the house and refused to come back in. If that is true, like I said, I do not know.
My Father and older sister have not said anything about any sort of interaction, so I am not sure that me and my brother are the only ones.
The point of this is that I'm asking for advice. Is my house haunted? Please leave a comment about what you think and why if you have an opinion. Please post soon.