A Doorway to the Other Side

One night when me and my sister went to bed, I had an experience I'll never forget. We went up to our room to go to sleep. Because we were really tired, we fell right to sleep. It was around 3:00 in the morning when I was awakened by a ice cold breeze on my face. When I opened my eyes I was shocked by what i saw in my doorway. My entire doorway was full of a blinding white light. I quickly woke my sister who was just as freaked out as I was.

I normally would be able to see my brothers door right across the hall but this time I couldn't see anything through my doorway. I'm not sure exactly how long it lasted. We were too scared to move or yell for help so we just stayed in bed until we were too tired to keep our eyes open. The doorway was back to normal in the morning. I'll never know if anything came out of that light and into my room while we were asleep or not.

Sometimes I wonder if I went through that doorway into that bright glowing light, what would it be like? Would I have been abe to come back?

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I had a doorway to the other side inmy house.
by: Anonymous

I got a house given off my council when I got married in 1987. It was 3 bedroom, but only used 2, 1 for me and my hubby, 1 for my baby son.
It all started just after I moved in. Just after we went to bed on a night, you could here people laughing, joking, or angry, sad all sorts of emotions walking up the stairs into the middle unused bedroom. It was scary, but never went out of the bedroom to look. We had rats in the house, but they never went into that room, neither would the cat we got to catch the rats. I took my son in once, and he screamed blue murder until I took him out.

I'd lived there a year when 1 night there was that much noise in the middle bedroom that it frightened the life out of me, so went to the local spiritual church and told them what was happening. They sent someone out, and as soon as she walked into the house, she said "OMG,The feeling of death is terrible here" She followed the feeling into the middle bedroom where she said was an open doorway to the other side, and she had no idea how to close it.

So I asked the council about the previous tenants. The told me that before i moved in they found a pentangle on the floor with black wax in, so they replaced the floorboards.

When I told the psychic she said it explained loads, as they had been meddling with something they didn't understand, and had opened the doorway up.

Not long afterwards, the houses was condemned, and knocked down. I moved away, but apparently on a night time you can still hear people walking across the grass where the houses was, so guessing the doorway is still there.

by: Anonymous

How old where you when this happened? What is your sisters recollection of this event and what city did it happen in? How old was the house at the time?

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