The Worst Field Trip in the World - U.S. Hotel
by Alyssa Luvmuffins
(Altoona, Pennsylvania )
When I was in 6th grade my class took a field trip to The U.S Hotel, in Hollidaysburg, PA. When we finally got there a close friend and I planned to step away from the group and explore the upstairs.
We had heard stories about a man with an axe seen in the upstairs. When we were passing the stairs we decided then would be the best time to go. We were both very scared but didn't admit it. We climbed up the steps and when we got to the top it got very cold. That was very strange because it was May 28th and it was very hot outside.
We walked down the hall and went into one of the rooms. We then felt sick and felt as if someone was watching us. We sat on the floor, then layed down as the sickness increased. We opened our eyes and agreed that this was a terrible idea and we sat up to go. When we stood up I looked around. In the corner of the room stood a man with a axe, breathing heavy and angerly. I gasped and ran out of the room. Behind me my friend called after me, "BABY"! When I got down the steps the sickness went away and I caught up with my group, leaving my friend upstairs. We had been up there for about 10 minutes so the rest of the trip was about 20 minutes long.
When the trip was over my friend had still not come down so when our teacher was counting heads she found that she had not been with the group. I told her how she went upstairs away from the group. My teacher told our tour guide. She had been found on the floor unconcious upstairs.
I asked my friend what happened when we got on the bus. She said that she didn't notice the man. When she approched the door to get out the sickness got really bad and she collapsed on the floor. When she looked up she saw the man and she fainted.
To this day me and my friend still don't know what to believe about the U.S Hotel.