Ghost Picture
by Mick
boy's face
Posting pictures of 'ghost' on another person's web is difficult. Posting sound files is unavailable on this web also. If you would like to see pictures of orbs, mist, ecto and others, go to Under the id picture on the page is a link that says 'pics'. Click on the link. You do not have to join My Space since I have the page listed as public. There you will see images. Make what you will out of the images. Here is one. This photo was taken at an abandoned nursing home I hope to be investigating soon. Story has it that when ever a patient saw a little boy in their room, they were next to die. This photo appeared while taking random pictures of the outside of the structure. It is the face of a little boy. The building is empty and abandoned, no people were in it.
Should you have any more questions or want to hear audio files - please contact me at: