Old School house

by Rich
(Somerset Pa)

Was at a site where an old School house had burned down in the very early 1900's; not far from my home; I live in Somerset County Pa... I decided to find the location which was suppose to be about 20 miles from where i live... knew i was right around the area which has since been grown up with woods and trees and shrubs; when something made me lean out the window and take a pic... Nothing is doctored in anyway; don't even know how to go about doing that anyways.... Was taken with my old flip phone that i still have.... was taken about 10 years ago...any questions or if you wanna see the pic also; email me at> warlockdude85@yahoo.com. Have been ghost hunting and visiting sites for over 20 years; lots of experience....tell me what you see in this pic; and let me know and i will continue with the story and legend of the > Old Schoolhouse...Email me... Even my own 1915 present home.... Thank you...

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Thanks for sharing!
by: Matthew

Sorry it took so many years to get back to you. My mother (the previous site owner) passed away in March after years of health complications and before she passed, her wishes were for me to take over her site for her and I'm still in the preliminary learning phase. But anyways, thanks for sharing!

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