Haldeman Mansion and Locust Grove

The land the historic mansion was built on was occupied for hundreds of years by Indians. There have been several sightings of Indian spirits over the years by various residents of the little grove. And the mansion itself has been found to have at least 4 different spirits inhabiting it. They include a man Peter, two young children the girl named Emily and a boy both between the ages of 7 and 8 and a young woman in her 20s.

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Upcoming events at mansion
by: Elaine Jackson

Sat. Sept 13 Tavern Dinner from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. Contact 717 426-3794 for reservations

Sun, Oct.12 Fall Festival from noon to 4 p.m.
No entry fee. Parking fee is $5 per car.

Sat, Oct. 18 Paranormal Conference from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Several speakers, venderds and food Contact Lora Shirey- 717 424-5286 to puchase tickets.

Sat, Nov 8 Craft Mart at Bainbridge Fire Hall from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Cost is $30 for a stand. Need venders. call 717 426-3794

by: Paranormal Junkie

The historical society is doing a great job raising money to restore and take care of the place. Paranormal teams can investigate and the even offer investigations to the general public. The fees are low and they all go towards the renovations. You can contact faithparanormal@yahoo.com or the mansion directly for reservations.

by: Haldeman

If my Gr. Gr. Gr. Gr. Gr. Grandfathers mansion was ever to be sold it damn best be to a Haldeman!!! The mansion should of stayed in my family in the first place!!

Neveer to be sold
by: Anonymous

I've heard that the mansion estate was sold to Lancaster Co Historical Society for $1 with the understanding it was never to be sold again. It is up to them to raise money and restore this piece of history.

haldeman mansion
by: cat lady

As this is a very unique property with a ton of history,I am wondering why the preservation society does not sell this to someone who can afford to restore it back to what it once was. I for one know of two different parties that are interested in this property.If they ever decide to sell post a comment here with contact information and I will make sure both parties get it ASAP.One of the parties is even willing to host a event or two through out the year to raise funds for their other projects.

by: Anonymous

does anyone know if there is a fee to get in or is it a free festival? i would like to attend?

Support the Restoration effort June 5TH
by: Sam Fan

This weekend is the annual Strawberry Festival!
June 5TH Noon to 5PM
230 Locust Grove RD
Bainbridge, PA 17502

google map link below:

Great Food, and Music on the Riverside! Come join the fun, and help put a new roof on this Historic National Treasure!

Location to Haldeman Mansion
by: Tom Wood

Haldeman Mansion is located on the southern outskirts of Bainbridge, Pennsylvania, just off of PA 441 (about 11 miles North of Columbia, Pennsylvania.

The preservation society for the mansion holds several events on the mansion grounds: Conoy Town in May, a strawberry festival in June, and a fall festival in October. Other special events are scheduled throughout the year, but primarily in the months from May to November.

Interesting Historical Site
by: Patricia


This is really interesting. I'm wondering where this historical Haldeman Mansion is located. I'm sure many of the paranormal investgators that visit this website would love to explore Locust Grove. I've always loved hearing about Indian sacred land and the spirits that are still roaming there.


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