Baker Mansion


My dad is an electrition and he was working in the attic at Baker Mansion and his partner went to get some supplies from the store. My dad had a light clipped to his belt that was lit by an extension cord. So about 15 minutes later the light went out and he tried to call his partner but he had no service. So he waited for him to come back and when he did they say the cord was cut.

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by: Olivia

Hmmmmm.... Thats strange. Maby it wasn't a ghost but a prankster. I mean it is Altoona we're talkin about.

Strange but Beautiful Baker Mansion
by: Patricia

Baker Mansion is such a strange and beautiful old mansion. There have been some really strange rumors about the mansion but with all its history and beauty it's still a magical place to visit. Thanks for sharing your dad's ordeal with us.


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