by Lori Lassick
(Saltsburg, Pa)

My family and I went to visit Baker Museum over the Fourth of July Holiday this year. We had read about the museum and were very excited about the possiblity of it being haunted.

Although, we really didn't experience any real first hand paranormal ourselves while we were there, we did get a few pictures that are left in question.

My two year old son also refused to go anywhere near the refridgeration room in the basement, and when asked why he said that there was a scary soldier at the bottom of the steps and he said he wasn't coming back. Funny that he is only two and really can't make anything up to that extreme of a story. Also strange since he is not a shy or easily distressed child.

Although, I can say that at the time we were there at the mansion, all of us felt very uneasy while standing at the doorway to the refridgeration room, yet none of us talked about it until we left because we all thought that we were being paranoid!

The pics show orbs in the refridgeration room and school room, a ghostly mist of some sort beside the toddler bed in the childs room, and a hand pointing out of the wedding gown. Now, I am far from an expert on these things, so I don't know if they are crediable photos or not. More then likly the photo of the hand with the wedding gown is just a reflection, but it is very strange that it looks as if it is coming from behind the dress and you don't see any other body parts. The orbs are, well orbs. The ones in the basement room I noticed when I snapped the photo and immediatly snapped photos right afterwards to see if I could get the same results, to no avail.


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Ghostly Baker Mansion
by: Patricia

Hi Lori,

Wow, you had a real ghostly experience at Baker Mansion. Without a doubt, children can see and hear ghosts much better than adults. At 2 years old, your son had a gut feeling about approaching that ghostly soldier, I think it's great that you didn't just shrug it off and force him to go near there.

I'm hoping you're able to share the photo's with us. I'd love to see what you saw in the pictures.

Thank you so much for sharing your ghostly tale about Baker Mansion with us. I hope you still had an enjoyable visit to the Altoona area.

You might be interested in attending one of the Ghost Hunts at the Altoona Railroaders Memorial Museum, they are holding one each month until the end of Fall. In celebration of Halloween the museum will have an all night ghost hunt in October. You can find the schedule by clicking on the button on the left marked, "PA Ghost Hunt". Although, I wouldn't suggest taking your son to that one.


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