Creepy campground in Mercer

by Carrie

My friend and I was walking along the road off of Rt. 19 south where Junction 1980 campground sits. She would stay there as a child and I would visit. She and her brothers would always say about a ghostly woman dressed in pink back behind the campground in an old house near a stream. I didn't believe of course so I wanted to see. As we started walking down the road the driveway goes off the left and up to the house. I immediately got chills and felt presence of being watched and being watched very closely. I felt really uneasy and would not go any further.

That place definitely needs to be investigated. This experience has been about 15 years ago but I have never forgotten it..

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by: Anonymous

The house burnt down....

by: stefani

i used to camp there up until 1999 and there and never once have i ever heard that story, or even felt anything like a presence there.i miss it there so much i would love to go back and walk around and see what everything looks like now.

gave me the chills
by: Anonymous

I would live to go there and see this place

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