Creepy Old Farmhouse

by Cody

Huntingdon County

I was camping at an old farmhouse that used to belong to the grandparents of a friend of mine. Juniata College had long since bought the property because it sits less than a mile away from Raystown Lake.

The college left the house virtually untouched and only used the garage for building docks. In fact, many items are still in the house. Anyway, we were playing cards in the kitchen and between games I would go into the den/library. There was (and probably still is) a small table with an ancient looking bible on it. When I picked it up to check the date, 1872 or something, the door leading up to the attic creeped open. I went back to play cards, and when I came back, the door was tightly shut. I repeated this a few times, showing one of my friends, with the same results. As I said earlier, the house was always empty.

There was one way into the room from our floor, and nobody else went in or out. It couldn't have been a draft, because the door had one of those old catches where you push down on one side or lift up on the other. We would have heard someone on the wooden steps. I don't know what it was.

I'm glad we were sleeping outside.

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Very Interesting
by: Katie Eckenrode

This would be a location I'd like to take my paranormal team to to do an investigation... after we get permission of course lol. That reminds me, if you would like to be in a paranormal group we have openings.... we branch out of Lakemont in altoona. If your interested e-mail me at . Thanx 4 the story :)

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