by Colby Crandell
(Cherry Tree PA)
My story starts with my two old black dogs. Smokey and Bandit run the mountains with me daily. They know the woods and loved to hike with me. Bandit was 13 years old and was part lab and part German Shepard. Bandit died on the third day I was locked in jail because of a D.U.I charge. Anyway, I was heartbroken and had my dad and brother bury Bandit on the mountain by my old cabin.
I got out of jail after 33 days and took Smokey up the mountain to my old cabin in late August. I sat there for a little while and notice this dead maple leaf bouncing back and forth about a foot off the ground. I figured the leaf had a bug caught in it on a cob web. Well, let me tell ya, I dealt with suspended leafs from webs before but this was no ordinary leaf! I picked the leaf up and did not feel or notice any web, plus whatever was making it move rapidly back and forth was beyond me cause there was no wind. I moved the leaf in front of my dog's grave and dropped it. The leaf never hit the ground it laid suspended in mid air. I grabbed the leaf out of mid air and moved it about 10 yards, checked to see if there was anything on it and dropped it out of my hand but the leaf would not fall, it actually followed my hand up in the air defying gravity as if we were attached. When I would stop the leaf would stop but there was nothing between my hand and leaf. Finally, after about 4 minutes, the leaf fell to the ground as if a spell were broken. I put the leaf in my pocket and walked home with Smokey, when I got home to get the leaf out of my pocket it was completely gone!
I still hike my 16 year old dog, Smokey, and think of Bandit and the leaf, especially during the dog days of summer.
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