The Tales of Manns Choice are (for the most part) True

by Matthew Bockhouse
(New Kensington, PA, USA)

As a former resident of the town of Manns Choice,I grew up in my grandparents house built in the 1860's (used to be the Mullen Tavern). I can attest to MANY of these things. The horse thief can be seen through the 3rd floor window swinging at times when you turn onto Rt31 from Rt30. I have seen the man walking on the old floor(walking on his knees) and have had MANY friends that have worked at the Jean Bonnet.

The Metropolitan Hotel is another wild place! I was sitting drinking a beer with a friend that lived in one of the rooms above the bar in the metro. It was 3am and we heard what sounded like a live show in the third floor ballroom. Well, having grown up around this we were not frightened but intrigued. As we entered the ballroom it was TOTALLY empty. However, there were clean spots on the dusty floor that looked like feet sliding from dancing(they covered the ENTIRE floor). As we entered the room a microphone stand fell over, there was no one on stage.

Couple this with the happenings that have taken place at my own family's home(dog barking in the attic 5 years after our dog died) things "disappearing " i STILL have not found a pair of glasses that i left in a case sitting on my sister's dresser during a visit only to wake and find them gone. The activity there has heightened since the remodeling in which the interior walls were torn out to expose the HUGE chestnut logs inside that make the house. It is a full log house under the siding.

Any skeptic i would invite to spend a night at the jean bonnet or the metro hotel...see if you are still a skeptic in the morning. If you have a portable mp3 player erase all data on it and let it record all night(you will cringe at what you hear when you play it back).....

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D' Hitchin Post
by: Anonymous

I was told that this bar almost burned down a number of years ago, and that the owner, Jack somebody, died in the fire. Now it is said his rocking chair can be heard at closing time on occasion. Can anyone else confirm this story?

Manns Choice Tales
by: Anonymous

I don't live in Manns Choice but i go camping there at Choice Camping Court and the river that goes through there, everytime me and my friend stand by it all by our selfs we get really bad headaches, and we went swimming with a group of people one time I was pulled under by a hand at my ankle area I did get away but i don't like to swim in there anymore.

The Metro
by: Anonymous

If you are at the blinking light in manns choice teh metropoitan hotel sits directly across the street from teh d' hitchin post tavern. it is beside the manns choice grocery store. It is a 3 story building and the largest building in manns choice(since the leather tannery burned down) Dick(the owner) has had several parinormal teams in to investigate "experiences" and this interest have compelled his son aaron to start doing paranormal research as well.

thanks for the comment!

Manns Choice Ghostly Tales
by: Patricia

Hi Matthew,

Wow, you sure know a lot about Manns Choice. I visit a friend that lives there and she has told me several ghostly tales too.

There's no doubt about the Jean Bonnet Tavern being haunted but this is the first time I've heard about the Metropolitan Hotel. I'm trying to figure out where that is located.

Thanks for sharing your ghostly tales with us,


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