State Twin Theatre

by Penn R. Weis
(State College , PA, U.S.A.)

Years ago, While attending Penn State, I worked as a Janator at the State Twin Theatre. Which has recently been remodeled. I was told before I started my job that the place was haunted and my job would be alone and mostly at night. So naturally I jumped at the chance!! I had seen ghosts before, my Grandfather floated across the room in front of me when I was twelve while I was doing home work, turned out that it was the anniversary of his death but that's another story. I was in a hurry this one day, and in order to access the lights for the building I had to climb stairs to the projection room three flights up in the dark and it was creepy as hell(I always felt that some one was watching me, especially in that old booth,) I opted not to make the trip and instead used my Bic lighter to guide me through the bathrooms and see what toilet needed my attention. I was it the mens room in complete darkness, when I decided to take a wiz. While peeing I happened to look up and I saw a green florescent orb (Kinda like "Slimmer") come out of the ceiling and start moving towards me. I had to leave I didn't even zip up and may have peed on myself but what I saw was very real and that place is very haunted. -Penn R. Weis

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Haunted State College
by: Patricia

I enjoyed reading your ghostly tale of the State Twin Theatre located in State College. I've been hearing a lot of ghost tales about haunted sites in that area. In fact, as you probably already know, there is now a new group of Ghost Hunters in the State College area. I read that they are taping a lot of their investigations and are going to show them on a TV program.

Thanks for submitting your ghostly tale,

Patricia (webmaster)

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