Royer Mansion

by Jay
(Altoona, PA)

Royer Mansion is less touted than Baker Mansion, probably because it's in Williamsburg, which is kind of a drive from Altoona, like 45 minutes or so. On the other hand, Royer Mansion is also five times more haunted than Baker.

I believe Scott Crownover and Patty Wilson were our guides through a rare tour of Royer Mansion.(It's hard to get a tour because an old guy actually lives there.) From the second I entered the mansion until the time I left I got a noticeably heavy feeling in my chest and stomach that made me really feel like something wasn't right with the place. I'd never felt anything like that at Baker Mansion, or any other supposedly haunted building in Central PA.

Then Patty went on to tell us about the tens of people who experienced grisly deaths ranging from suicide to murder in this place. I especially felt uneasy in the basement and in the rooms that were set up to look like childrens' room with creepy looking dollhouses that I believe were actually left there. Also during the tour, in the attic several girls were alone and became freezing cold and even saw their own breath, even though it was above 60 degrees outside.

There was one kind of unbelievable story about an old couple living there, and while the husband was sleeping an invisible figure would enter the room, walk over to the old woman, and walk out leaving the door open. One night they put a lock on the door and the presence allegedly jiggled the doorknob so vigorously, the lock was broken and the footsteps proceeded as normal. The couple moved out the following day.

There were countless orbs, though not scientific proof of anything, everywhere inside and outside of the mansion, especially around an area where a male housekeeper hanged himself and was subsequently buried. It anyone ever gets a chance to catch this tour, and wants to experience a real haunting, definitely take it up.

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Not Inside
by: A Grandniece

We haven't been back since house renovated but always loved being in the yard. Never was bothered by ghosts but then we love spirits and we're blood relatives. My mother visited there regularly when Aunt Carrie was living. She still remembers the water cress sandwiches and always mentions Aunt Carrie whenever we see water cress. We'll have to come back up and visit. We lived in Williamsburg for about 4 years in a very old house. It was haunted in a very special way: loving and cheerful. Williamsburg is a very old place with many, many memories. We Royers are an interesting bunch and love to play tricks, so don't be afraid. Talk to the spirits and help them move on. There are plenty of us in Heaven waiting for them!!!!!

false facts
by: Anonymous

Need to check on facts, a lot of your information is wrong. I am a family member of Carrie Hartman, do your work and check your facts.

by: Anonymous

I've called the Altoona Railroaders several times and they don't answer..Bakers Mansion doesn't hold much interest from me. I was under the assumption that Jean Bonnet didn't allow public investigation. Thank you for your response.

Haunted Places
by: Patricia

Hi Danielle,

You might want to try Baker Mansion, the Railroaders Museum and Jean Bonet Tavern in Bedford County.


Appointment at Royer Mansion
by: Danielle

Last summer my husband and I started doing paranormal investigations. At that time he was very skeptical about the whole situation. Needless to say now he believes. We wanted to start doing some investigations inside this year. So I called around and scheduled an investigation at the Royer Mansion. We are all very excited. We are not professionals by any mean, but it is us and 3 other married couples. I was wondering Patricia if you could name off a couple other places that are open to investigation. We have no problem paying as long as the donation is in reason.

Ghostly Tours at Royer Mansion
by: Patricia

Hello Jay,

Oh yeah, Royer Mansion is one of those places you have to experience yourself to believe the uneasy feelings you get when you visit.

Patty and Scott are personal friend of mine and I have heard many ghostly tales they've experienced there. I've also visited and interviewed some people in Williamsburg and they can tell you some of their own ghostly tales. I had an experience outside around the spring house, as I was standing there taking pictures I kept feeling like something was trying to push me backwards, away from the spring house. Whatever was there didn't appreciate me taking pictures.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us,


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