Grandpa's Crow

(Bedford, PA)

12 year old writer here again with a story about my grandma and grandpa. When my grandpa was still living and after my grandma had divorsed him, my grandpa had always spoken about crow's and how he enjoyed them so much. Later after he had died, on the day of the funeral, when my grandma got home her house was plastered with crows, with an eerie feeling of the movie "Birds". After that day there has always been a crow on my grandma's roof, even though my grandma had moved once, there had never been a day when you couldn't find a crow on my grandmother's roof.

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by: a medium

that is sooooo coool! i mean not the grandfather passing away thing but the crow is awesome!

by: Anonymous

I do not like crows. But I enjoy the story on how the grandma always keep on seeing them.

Weird Crows!
by: Patricia

I have heard legends of crows and wolfs and even butterflies. The native American Indians have many stories of various animals visiting after a loved one dies. I'm sure your Grandma was really creeped out when she arrived home after the funeral.

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