I'm being followed

by Melanie
(Altoona, PA USA)

I wanted to write in and share my story with others. I was born and raised in Baltimore Maryland, and moved to Central PA when I was 11. Ever since I was a child, I have always heard and saw things that were not normal to everyone else. Therefore, I have always been interested in the Paranormal and the possibility of life after death. Even through my teenage years till now (I'm 30)I have seen and heard things no matter where I live. I feel as though something or someone has been following me wherever I go. I do not think that it means me or my family any harm, I think it is here looking after us. If that's possible, which I think it is. To be completely honest, I am very comfortable having it around, makes me feel safe.

Most recently I lived in a house and everything seemed to be going OK for awhile, till I started taking photo's of the inside of the house. I starting noticing Orbs, and strange lights, like the reflectors on a bike. Then one night when my husband and kids were in bed, I decided it was time for me to turn in as well. Do u know the feeling when u are just about in dreamland, and somewhat awake at the same time? Well that was how I was when I heard a mans voice beside my bed. I opened my eyes, and there was no one there, but I know I heard a voice. The next morning I woke up before my kids and decided to get my voice recorder and start asking some questions. I went into my bedroom, and started taping. This was about 6 or 7 in the morning. I asked if there was anyone there and if they had a name. I then said that I wanted to help them move on if I could. I had decided to leave the recorder running and left the room to get my children up and ready for school. Around 10 a.m., I went to retrieve the recorder and starting playing it back. To my surprise,...there was a voice and I was excited and nervous at the same time. I played the tape over and over and it sounded like the voice said in a loud whisper " I'll get you, or Gonna get you". I then decided to use a program on the computer to record the voice and slow it down to understand it better, and what the voice actually said was "God Bless You." I played the tape for a lot of people not telling them what I thought it said, and they all agreed it said "God Bless You." I told my brother about the message and he decided to stay over and record for himself. That night he was asleep in my living room when he said about 4 a.m. he thought he heard someone coming down the stairs. He turned on the recorder, and plain as day a voice of a child saying "How's your baby?" My brothers girlfriend had a baby 2 weeks prior to the recording.

We also did some ghost hunting of our own one night in a cemetery. We felt as if someone was watching us from the time we went in till the time we came out. I don't get spooked that easy, but the place creeped me out. We have been there for about 45 minutes, walking around and taking photos, and trying to catch some evp's. It was very dark and the only light was from the flash of my camera to the eternal flames on some head stones. Finally, I could not stand to be there anymore, the hairs on my neck and arms were standing on end. We left. When I returned home I downloaded the photo's to my computer and was shocked at what I saw. There were strange streaks of light on almost every photo. They look as though they were moving. I got orbs of every shape and size. I was blown away when I saw that I had good reason to be freaked out. We were not alone.

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by: Mick

I posted a picture, have a look

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by: Mick

I posted a new article and supplied a pic.

where is the proof
by: Anonymous

I love reading the stories, but everyone says they have pics or recordings and then they don't post them ????

by: Mick

It does sound like you have someone living with you. They sound like more of a protector then a menace. You sound like you know what you are doing when it comes to investigating. Orbs have been debated for years now. Some say they are bugs, some say they are dust. In recent months people have begun to look closer at orbs. I believe that orbs are energy. In some cases they are bugs or dust but there are those that cannot be passed off that way. I have an illustration of orbs. I will see how to post them. I will have to post my own experience with cemeteries :-)

I envy you for your house! I love activity. I had some poltergeist living with me but they have moved on.

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