The Heisy Museam

by Hannah Lingle
(Lock Haven, Pennsylvania)

The Heisey Museum has been in Lock Haven for a long time. It has many legends but the one I'm gonna tell you is the scariest. My class went on a field trip in 3rd grade and they told us a ghost story about the Heisey museum.

My name is, Hannah, and I went on the trip and the owner told us this story. "One day last month my sister came to visit and she sat her purse down and a few minutes later her purse flew right of the table and then they heard an evil laughing noise". aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

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Ghostly Heisy Museum
by: Patricia

Hello Hannah,

I never heard of this Pennsylvaia Museum. Yeah, that would be awfully scary to see your purse fly off a table and hear someone giggling about it.

Thanks for telling us your ghostly tale,


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