Wopsy Mountain White Lady

Coming home from Altoona one rainy night my family and I saw a shadow figure in that area. It was in the middle of the road and I even slowed down thinking it was an animal or person. I got the cold chill and it suddenly was not there as I passed it. It had a flowy dress or cloak and it looked like it had a head piece like a tiara on.

We didn't realize what we saw until we got into Ashville and realized that was the White Lady location. We saw shadow figures before in Cape Cod and Florida but this was very clear and sharp except the face was distorted like in a fog.

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by: Mick

I firrst learned of this from a stranger telling ghosts stories. I then asked Pat and she directed me to a previous post on the web. I hope to get there this summer. She sounds fascinating!

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