The Haunted House on Broad Ave. Altoona, PA

by Justine
(Altoona pa)

I was about 8 years old my mom just moved in to a new appartment and while me and my cousin were unpaking we took a break and watched a movie. I was sitting on the couch and saw a waving hand by the stairs saying my name and saying come play with us, I told her but she didn't see nor hear it till I saw it by the sunporch and she saw it. We were both freaked.

A week or 2 later I came home from school and then I saw a headless guy walking through the hallway. I was scared and that house to this very day gives me the creeps when I pass it. The address is 2217 Broad Ave. Altoona, PA 16601, 2nd floor

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west chestnut avenue
by: butch

hello im butchie and I have seen ghost and orbs ive been here 10 years and just started seeing things

Creeped Out
by: Carter

I pass that place a lot walking, i'm going to stay clear of looking at it now haha

a question unawnserd
by: gunnar pankoke and Dylan straw

Hey Me and a couple of my friends have started. A ghost hunting crew and we are down in johnstown and wondered if there are any sweet spots to start

by: Anonymous

does anybody live in the place now?

by: Alyssa Lovemuffins

Hey im goin to have to stop by some time! Hahahaha thats pretty cool that you saw that. Thnks for shareing

Haunted Broad Avenue, Altoona
by: Patricia

Hi Justine,

Your ghostly tale really hit home with me because I lived in a haunted house on Broad Avenue back in the 70s. Whatever haunted that house really hated my son, it would push him down the steps and go into his room at night and scare him to death. He wouldn't sleep in that room anymore and insisted on sleeping with me and his dad. Then it started doing things to me. Of course I thought I was going crazy until I finally figured it out and realized I was dealing with an evil spirit. I finally just moved out. But like you, my son to this day gets creeped out just thinking about that house and once we were in the neighborhood and he just couldn't handle it and had to leave. I do know that since we lived in it many people have moved in and out really quickly, I suspect it came after them too.

I can't help but wonder how many other properties are haunted on Broad Avenue.

Thanks for sharing your ghostly tale with us Justin,


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