
by Fawn
(Hanover, PA)

I'm not totally sure what it's called, but there's supposed to be a triangle area (like the Bermuda Triangle) at Gettysburg. When you go there weird things happen like your camera doesn't work, etc. Well, when we visited this place in 5th grade, a boy named Shawn Snyder's mom chaperoned. Right after we visited the triangle, we left. On the way home the tire went flat. We found a triangular shaped plastic particle stuck in it! Another thing was that when the tire went flat, we pulled off at a triangle shaped sign! No Lie!!!!! Weird, huh!

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Is it really a SCARY story?
by: Alexandria

I must say, that isn't scary really. The area could have been a made up place where you just put the triangles.

by: Anonymous

i do believe you, not say'n i don't but was'nt that great you no

Gettysburg Triangle
by: Patricia

I just love reading the ghostly tales submitted by visitors here. I have never heard of the triangle area in Gettysburg. Such a strange tale and to run into so many triangles after visiting the area. I'm sure it gave you plenty to talk about on your trip back from your field trip.

Thanks for submitting that ghostly tale.

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