Haunted Tavern

by 12 year old writer

One night my family and I took the ghost tour we take every year of Bedford. The night was filled with ghost stories and strange sightings, until we came to the last stop on the tour. Sorry I forget the name of the Tavern but it's on West Penn Street. When we looked up and saw this face in the window. It was very distinctive because our tour guide said it was the owner. Later that week he asked the owner why he did the prank, and he replied, " What are you talking about the room you saw the face in has been locked for at least 10 years and the key is missing."

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Odd & Creepy PA Tale
by: Patricia

Nothing creeps me out more than hearing seeing a face looking out a window where nobody exists. I don't know, I just have this thing about windows. I hope to take that Bedford Ghostly Tour one day.

Thanks for telling us about the tour and your experience,


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