126 Juniata Street, Freemansburg Pa.

by Tess
(fort lauderdale , fl)

Anyone know if this place is haunted? I have a friend who owend the house in the mid 90's , lived there for 2 years before she could sell it and get out of there because she said it was haunted and till this day cannot even talk about it without being afraid to sleep at night.

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by: Lisa


I live in Freemansburg, a block away from the 126 property. I have never heard anything about this local haunt. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.

Haunted House in Freemansburg
by: Patricia

Hi Tess,

I was hoping someone from Freemansburg would notice your submission and answer you. I'm sure your friend has some scary ghostly tales about this place, too bad she can't think about them. We'd love to know what happened there.


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