Route 6's Haunted House

by C Sax

Almost 2 years ago I moved from the house I had lived in for almost 20 years. We always had weird things happening while we lived there. The house is on route 6 in a small Northwest PA town called Linesville. The house is almost 200 years old. We would have things disappear, hear weird knocks, people going up and down the stairs when noone else was home. So when I moved a girlfriend of mine brought up that we should do a ghost hunt there since my mother still owned the house but it was unoccupied, and see if we capture any evidence.

On Friday the 13th and Saturday the 14th of August 2010. We grabbed our cameras, flashlights, and voice recorders. We really didn't expect to get any evidence but were surprised at how many EVP's we got. We even left the recorders going and stepped outside for about 20 minutes to see if anything happened then, and before we did we laid a water bottle on the 5th step and set a video camera on it. When we came back in the water bottle was on the 4th step and after reviewing the audio recordings you hear something being moved around on the stairs and someone walking on them and the section of video where we recorded that happening was blurred and would not work right.

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by: D Sax

The house is unoccupied.

by: Max

This post on the haunted house was really chilling. I love reading about haunted and eerie places. This is the reason I love this website very much. The posts about haunted places were much informative. Keep up the good work.

What ever happened?
by: Jodie

Great story, but it has no ending! What happened to the house? Did you sell it, or is it still unoccupied? I live in Warren, Pa and Im looking into some the more valid stories of hauntings or unexplained happenings in my area!

Haunted House
by: Patricia

Hi C. Sax,

When living in a 200 year old house in PA there is bound to be a ghost around. That would have been interresting to listen to the EVP's. Thanks for sharing you ghostly tale with us.


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