Pa Paranormal Research Team

by Kimberly Chimokosky
(Schuylkill Haven, Pa)

Hello my name is Kimberly Chimokosky and I represent Pa Paranormal Research Team and we are a non-profit group who raises money for local charity's as well as nation wide charity's.

We just recently found out that we are elgilable for a grant if we complete and document 15 investigations in a years time, and I am happy to say that we are very close to our goal. We are looking for places to investigate to complete our goal as well as we love doing this activity in our free time, it is something that we all enjoy and we all had our own personal experience as well.

We do investigations free of charge, so if you know of a place that is haunted or you think your place is haunted email me at: we will be happy to come anyplace to investigate your residence or place of business.

Thanks again Kimberly Chimokosky Media, Event, & Promotion Manager & Case Manager of PA PARANORMAL RESEARCH TEAM (P.P.R.T.)

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by: Kimmie

I am interested in the paranormal as well. I know of a lot of places back in my hometown of Easton, PA. Let me know if you are interested because I would LOVE to accompany you on one of your adventures. Email me at: so we can further correspond. Thanks.
Kimberly Heimbach

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