Berwick Area Middle School

by Kaitlyn Lockard
(Berwick, Pennsylvania usa 18603)

Hey, my name is Kaitlyn May Lockard, and I'm here to tell you a story about my school.

My school is haunted, during the day the doors slam, and so do the lockers, the lights in the class room go on and off, and these crackers are still making us go to this haunted school. I'm so scared to come here everyday, but they say, if you walk through this school around 3 AM with a candle stick lit, and pounded on locker 877 nobody will hear anything from you, not even your screams.

Comments for Berwick Area Middle School

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by: Anonymous

I went to school there for 3 years and literally nothing ever hsppened there. Like literally nothing. I've
Never even heard of any rumors that it was haunted up untill now.

haunted schools
by: Anonymous

realy was it Berwick and Distcki school. what is you school`s name

not true
by: Sara

i went to middle school there and never ever had anything like that happen.. its an old school and very drafty. im sensitive to spirits and never felt anything

by: Angel

That is so scary, Have you tryed?

Haunted School in Berwick
by: Patricia

Hi Kaitlyn,

It must be hard to concentrate when all that banging is going on during your school year. Has there ever been any reports of sightings in your school?

Thank for sharing your thoughts and expereices with at at Berwick Area Middle School.


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