White Lady of Wopsy
by Stephen Skibo
(Glen Gardner, NJ)
The legend begins in the early to mid 1800s. A couple was scheduled to get married. On the day of the wedding the bride sat and awaited her groom to be. She waited and waited but he never showed. The bride was told that he had ran away with another female from the village. The bride not believing what she was told waited day after day for him to return to wed. She went to her death still awaiting her Groom. Rumor has it that she seeks couples that travel through or decide to park to seek revenge for her groom leaving her at the altar. All accidents since then have been accredited to the White Lady of Wopsy.
This is the beginning of the White Lady and her creation. As for personal first hand knowledge, myself and a friend 30 years ago were up there in the evening in the fall scouting for a place to hunt. We saw her first hand. She was about 30 ft in the woods in front of us. When we hit the flood lights of his jeep there was no doubt what we were looking at, it was her. We immediately backed up at a considerable pace to the road, swung around, through the jeep in forward and she appeared to our left, being we were in a soft top jeep I was stretched across holding the door closed because the didn't have locks, like that would of made a difference. She kept up with us for about an eighth of a mile and disappeared only to reappear directly in front of us about 150 feet in the middle of the road. My buddy drove right at her and when we were within 5 to 10 feet from hitting her with the jeep she vanished. 2 witnesses that lived in Lakemont & Altoona can vouch for the legend.