SS Grand View Point Hotel Unidentified!

by Rickie Bennett Longfellow

SS Grand View Point Hotel

SS Grand View Point Hotel

I inherited a box of negatives from my mother, Eva Wickiser Bennett of Kirkersville, Ohio. Upon developing them I found this one of the SS Grand View Point Hotel, believed to have been taken between 1935-1940, but it may have been earlier. I had no idea what it was or where it was located so it went unidentifed for at least a decade. I emailed it to quite a few people trying to identify it when a cousin found it on the Internet.

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The Ship Hotel-Rt. 30.
by: Gene Daley-Central city

Wow what a memory of the Ship Hotel, I must have stood on the balcony over looked God's beauty a hundred times of the years, this would have had to have been one of the wonders of the world if someone would have taken the time to inspect.. I have stood down below the ship and looked up toward the top, and it was breath taking, I remember the night it burned, and the next morning having to look at the smoke and now only a memory of one of the worlds most beautiful sites.. thanks for the memory.

by: Rickie

Thanks everyone. I would like to see more pictures of it. It must have been a wonderful place.

by: Anonymous

There not the same picture but I have two other postcards from this Hotel

fun place
by: Anonymous

hi there, it was an amazing place on rt 30 the steam ship in the mountains as it was called.In the later years it was renamed Noah's Ark and wood siding cover the ship.A great picture you have , thanks for sharing.

wonderful pic
by: Anonymous

the ship hotel is no longer their. it was on route 30 past johnstown.

Locally known as Ship Hotel
by: Patricia

Hello Rickie,

Thank you so much for sharing your old photo of the SS Grand View Point Hotel, also known by the local people as the Ship Hotel. Looking at it brings back so many wonderful memories of my visits there as a child in the mid 50s. The view was just unbelievable.


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