Pennsylvania State Flaming Foliage Festival at Renovo, Clinton County, PA, October 9, 10, & 11, 2015

by William E. Conti
(Honolulu, HI)

Flaming Foliage Coronation 1990

Flaming Foliage Coronation 1990

The annual Pennsylvania State Flaming Foliage Festival will celebrate its 67th anniversary this year, having started in 1949 in Renovo.

The festival is always held on the second full weekend of October so this year, 2015, will see the festivities running from October 9th through the 11th.

Events and activities include the Parade of Queens through the town, talent shows, dances and other social activities, scores of vendors offering a huge assortment of crafts, wares, services, and food. The whole thing is topped off by the crowning of "Miss Flaming Foliage" who is chosen from the dozens of young women representing high schools from around the Central Pennsylvania area.

Renovo is about mid-way on the scenic "Bucktail Trail", Route 120 which winds through the lush and verdant forests of the "Pennsylvania Wilds" and the West Branch of the Susquehanna River from Lock Haven to Emporium.

Comments for Pennsylvania State Flaming Foliage Festival at Renovo, Clinton County, PA, October 9, 10, & 11, 2015

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Jul 25, 2015
Response to Patricia
by: Anonymous

Hi Patricia,
It's always fun to connect with you once a year as it brings back so many wonderful warm memories of the time I spent with loving friends in Altoona and the surrounding area years ago.

I did attend the Flaming Foliage Festival in Renovo last year which I enjoyed for the festivities as well as the chance to spend time in such a beautiful, natural, and still largely unspoiled area. The colors were beautiful as we drove across Interstate 80 from New York to Clinton County and the weather was perfect. I'm not sure about whether I can make it this year but there is a possibility.

We're almost out of July and into August so Fall is just over the horizon. Enjoy my home state of PA and thanks for facilitating this beautiful site.

Jul 25, 2015
Pennsylvania State Flaming Foliage Festival at Renovo
by: Patricia

Hi William,

I'm always so happy to hear from you each year as you announce your hometown and favorite festival. The Pennsylvania State Flaming Festival at Removo, the second week in October, 2015 Thank you so much for sharing the beautiful pictures.

Will you be traveling home this year? Goodness you are a long way from home but then again, what a beautiful area of the U.S. you are living now. I can only imagine visiting HI.

Wishing this event once again much success in 2015.


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