by Anna D'Andrea
(Montrose, PA )
Monthly World Peace Meditation and Reiki Circle
Date: First Tuesday of every month
Time: 5pm-7pm
Place: Self Discovery Wellness Arts Center
200 Lake Avenue
Montrose, PA 18801
Contact Info: Anna D'Andrea, 570-278-9256
Web Site URL:
Sponsoring organization: Self Discovery Wellness Arts Center
Non profit
Non wheelchair accessible
Fee: $10.00 donation requested and appreciated
Please RSVP
Because you care! Do you want to make a bigger difference in the world? Join us for a monthly meditation for world peace: sitting with silent group intention focused on world peace for 20 minutes or longer, sharing of peace-expanding thoughts, and quotes/ poems you'd like to bring with you. Following the peace meditation, there will be a group Reiki Healing Circle, for those who wish to participate. All new comers are encouraged and warmly welcomed. Being a Reiki practitioner is not required. Enjoy spreading peace into the world and receiving healing energy into yours. Tea and refreshments will be served following Reiki Circle.
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