I would love to see David Cook perform at this year's Festival...

I am a huge fan of David Cook, this year's American Idol winner. He is on the Idol tour until September 13th.

A friend of mine is going to the July 25th show, and is going to present him with a fanbook and I am going to suggest that he come perform at the Cambria County Fairgrounds this year, for the Cambria County Festival, along with many other venues that he could contact when he starts touring solo.

I will list the website, so maybe if he wants to come perform, he may contact you. Thanks! That would be the greatest thing ever!


Nicole Kessler, South Fork, PA

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Jul 06, 2008
Cambria County Fair
by: Patricia

Hello Nicole,

I would love to see our local PA Festival and Fairs get more of the American Idol's too.

American Idol and America's Got Talent are two of my top ten favorite TV Shows. It would be great to actually see David Cook in person. Wouldn't it be wonderful to see the entire tour come here. Hmm, maybe they'll make it to the Bryce Jordan Center.

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Jun 20, 2008
In Your Dreams
by: Anonymous

I like what bob said and also now that he's hit it big good luck getting him now

Jun 19, 2008
Look at the Bannaroo Festival
by: Robert

Instead of this television fiasco which doesn't bring too much joy to audiences, Festival organizers could take a good look at the Bannaroo music and arts festival in Tennessee and find out how they run things and try to attract some of the artists who perform at this. I've heard nothing but good things about the Bannaroo festival.

Jun 19, 2008
Quality Over Posing
by: Bob

I'd rather have real quality career musicians than smear the festival with the controversial phoney baloney that this television show brings with it. That's way too much negative baggage for festival goers to have to be attracted to, let alone be stuck paying for with their hard-earned money. I'd like to give them reasons for wanting to come back every successive year. This would keep them away worse than bad television.

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