Hot Air Balloon Festival - Kirby Park Wilkes-Barre PAOctober 8,9,10 2010

by Dawn Brady
(Wilkes-Barre, PA)

Food vendors at Kirby Park

Food vendors at Kirby Park

There'a a hot air balloon festival at Kirby park this weekend, October 8,9 and 10 that I am just now hearing about and I live right here!!! I'll be going to balloon glow this evening, and two more are scheduled for tomorrow (Sunday)at sunrise and sunset. If you are in the area, stop by to enjoy!!

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Oct 09, 2010
Hot Air Balloon Festival
by: Patricia

Hi Dawn,

Thank you so much for taking the time to let us know about the Hot Air Balloon Festival this weekend at Kirby Park in Wilks-Barre. Wow, I don't feel so bad not knowing about it since you live there and just found out. I wonder why it was kept hush hush this year.


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