Ed from Raystown

by Ed Graffius
(Huntingdon PA)

Are we not forgetting that Raystown is a manmade lake (1973) that replaced yet ANOTHER manmade lake cicra 1911? Take away all the dams and this area is simple a valley with damp rocks in the summer. So if there is a creature how did it get there? Aer Lingus?

I have boated it end to end for over 28 years and I can tell you there is nothing sinister in the lake once you ignore the monster catfish...

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Sep 19, 2010
Raystown Lake Viewpoint
by: Patricia

Hi Ed,

It's always nice to hear from people from the Huntingdon area and especially someone who has been boating at Raystown as long as you have. If you haven't seen anything by now I doubt if you will. Thanks for sharing your viewpoint with us.


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