Curious about Raystown Ray

by David
(Cambria County)

I've lived in PA all my life and never heard of Raystown Ray. I don't see how a creature would live in a man made lake. I've heard Raystown was once a town that was turned into a dam. How does a creature that was never seen before the lake was created, obviously lives in water so could not have existed before the lake now be living there? Unless someone caught one of Loch Ness monsters baby and released it in raystown it can not be real. It would be more believable if someone said it was an anaconda or other large snake. Before you can even think of it being there answer this... How did it get there with no large river or ocean feed?

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Apr 29, 2010
We're All Curious
by: Patricia

Hi David,

I guess we're all pretty curious about Raystown Ray. Yes, Lake Raystown is a man-made lake and I've asked the same questions as you. Someone told me that there have been large caves in the area for a very long time and think that this creature actually came out of a cave. From what I've heard Raystown Ray is only seen during the spring months, and mostly April. I'm hoping the TV program will explain a lot.


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