by Cody Mardis
Lets talk about this raystown ray. Im only 14 but can tell you alot about this thing / fish but rumor has it that people are seeing a monster in raystown lake. I believe in this but a rumor is going around that the water treatment plant has been dumping a chemical into the lake, thats what ive heard but its not the only thing. Ive also heard of a guy who had an aligater for a pet, but it got to big so he dropped it off in the lake. But why hasent it attacked anyone if it was an alligator, why hasent people seen this so called raystown ray. Well id be scared if a bunch of sharp prapellers were spinning all around my head, If he exists which their is a good posability he does but i wouldnt come up unless the waters were cool and calm. We realy cant tell right now but im sure someone like the monsterquest team will hopefully get some proff thats its not just a giant fish or an alligater, Only time will tell.
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