18th Century Marketfaire & Rifle Frolic

This annual event is held at Fort Roberdeau, Sinking Valley PA. Sponsored by Village Restorations & Consulting and The National Muzzle Loader Rifle Association. It features various sutlers/vendors elling high quality 18th century wares. Items such as hand painted floor cloths, pottery, glass ware, forged knives, rifles, silver, poweder horns, wooden trenchers and many more! Period entertainment is an 18th century circus with nteractive and hilarious entertainment. Colonial games, musicians and great food can be had by all. Trades from the 18th century include such things as candle making, log hewing, horn making, blacksmithing, hearth cooking, weaving, spinning, rifle making and more.

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Oct 18, 2013
Date & Time?
by: Patricia

Could you please let us know the date and time of the 18th Century Marketfaire & Rifle Frolic?

Thank you,


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